If you need to quickly get rid of a few extra kilograms, you can replace your usual dinner with healthy fruit and berry smoothies. Such non-extreme self-restriction will improve metabolism, while minerals, vitamins and antioxidants will have a beneficial effect on the appearance - the quality of the skin will improve, the complexion will become healthier, and the hair will be thicker and shinier.

Monday: frozen strawberries+blackcurrants+banana

The sweet bright smoothie will be a great end to the first day of the work week. Berries will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, while a handful of oatmeal and a banana make the drink more filling and very nutritious.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):
• Fresh or frozen strawberries – 60 g
• Raspberries – 60 g
• Currants frozen - 60 g
• 1 peeled banana
• 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
• 1-2 t.c. natural sweetener (honey, agave, Jerusalem artichoke or maple syrup)
• Almond milk or filtered water
• Oatmeal and fresh berries for decoration

Blend everything!

Tuesday: coconut + bays

Coconut pulp contains a huge amount of nutrients, vegetable proteins and necessary fatty substances. For us, this is a "plus" sign. Smoothie with coconut will fill you up and will not allow the thought of attacking the refrigerator during the night.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):
• Coconut pulp – 150 g
• Fresh or frozen bays - 2 pcs.
• Coconut milk or filtered water
• 1-2 tsp natural sweetener (honey, agave, Jerusalem artichoke or maple syrup)
• Bay syrup – 15 g
• Coconut slides and bays for decoration

Blend all ingredients. Coconut milk or water is added little by little so that the smoothie gets the desired consistency.

Wednesday: banana + mango

Fragrant, hearty and exceptionally delicious smoothie - an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Remember that you should stick to variety in your diet - this can avoid a micronutrient deficiency.

Ingredients (for 1 serving)
• 1 banana
• Fresh or frozen mango - 80 g
• 2 pieces of passion fruit
• 1-2 tsp natural sweetener (honey, agave, Jerusalem artichoke or maple syrup)
• Bay syrup – 15 g
• Almond oil or filtered water
• Half a passion fruit and a slice of mango for decoration

Blend all ingredients. Add water little by little - this way you can adjust the richness of the smoothie.

Thursday: raspberries + bays

The valuable properties of exotic bays are still a surprise to many. In Southeast Asia, these juicy and ripe fruits are used to treat various diseases. They perfectly relieve colds, normalize blood sugar levels, improve liver and kidney function. In the temperate climate zone, finding fresh bay leaves is quite problematic, but frozen ones are also perfect for smoothies.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):
• Frozen raspberries – 180 g
• Fresh or frozen bays - 2 pcs.
• 1-2 tsp natural sweetener (honey, agave, Jerusalem artichoke or maple syrup)
• Bay syrup – 15 g
• Almond oil or filtered water
• Fresh raspberries and bay leaves for decoration

Blend all ingredients!

Friday: strawberry+coconut

A hearty, distinctly sweet and delicious smoothie with strawberries and coconut pulp will be a great end to the work week. You can dilute it according to your wishes - with coconut, almond, soy, rice or even oat milk. To make the smoothie as dietary as possible, use ordinary filtered water.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):
• Fresh or frozen strawberries – 100 g
• Coconut pulp – 100 g
• 1-2 tsp natural sweetener (honey, agave, Jerusalem artichoke or maple syrup)
• Bay syrup – 15 g
• Almond oil or filtered water
• Fresh strawberries and coconut flakes for decoration

Blend all ingredients. It is best to adjust the consistency of the drink with coconut water! It suppresses appetite, quickly fills up and improves metabolism. At the same time, 1 glass contains only 45 calories. So perfect!

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